I had already allowed my soul to overload my plate before I was sufficiently awake to arrest it. Hmmm . . . do your reckon a rested soul must first be an arrested soul? Think about it but keep reading,
I tried several methods of calming my erratic soul until above all the tried ones came a well-known Scripture in Matthew 11:28-30. It was as if Jesus Himself had come into the room. I sounded the words with my own voice but I heard the voice of Jesus in my spirit immediately relayed to my soul. The effect was both immediate and dramatic.
My soul stopped alive in its tracks and listened. About halfway between sleep and being awake I experienced an encounter with Jesus Christ. When I awakened I quickly rehearsed what I heard lest, as many times before, I would forget completely (a very important measure in retaining details in dreams). Allow me to share with you what I will treasure for the remainder of my life and share wherever and whenever I can. As I recount what happened during my past-midnight tryst (from about 2:30-5:30) these are the flashpoints:
Matthew 11:28-30
“Come unto me all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.
Take my yoke upon you and learn from me and you will find rest for your souls.
For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”
There was a call from Jesus, “Come . . .”
There was a coming to Him on my part; though half asleep I consciously went to Jesus.Take my yoke upon you and learn from me and you will find rest for your souls.
For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”
There was a call from Jesus, “Come . . .”
There was a connection as I chose to take his yoke.
There was a consciousness of both his presence and peace, a rested soul.
There was a centering on the final statement in the passage, “My yoke is easy and my burden is light.” I will add one other thought.
There will be a continuity of this experience. It was not given as a single episode but as a lifestyle. That will be intentional.
There is much more but I will finalize the report for now by saying that burdens are inevitable but should never be borne alone; they must be borne as we are yoked to Jesus! His yoke does not chafe; the burden, now his, is light. I will never forget this night.
The Lord has taught me so much about His "REST" the past few years. One practice I've found helpful during my "RESTless" times has been to focus on His Word via an acrostic that I discovered in Phillippians 4. REST: Remember, Exalt, Surrender, Trust.
Remember Him--power of His Presence(5).
Exalt Him--power of Praise(6)
Surrender my life to Him--power of prayers and petitions (6)
Trust Him--power of His Peace and His Promises (7)
Now, that'll preach! Right, Bro. Jack?!!
Blessings, Karen Jordan
P.S. Love your new website!
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