

If the soul was a book and had a sub title, a table of contents and chapters under main divisions it would likely read like this order:
Subtitle: The Reality of Who a Person Really is
Table of Contents (general divisions):
The Mind: the Thinker
The Will: the Decider
The Emotions: the Feeler
Then there would be dozens of specific parts of the soul.

To put it briefly: The mind is for thinking, for rationality, for understanding and can process with logic correct or incorrect and reach conclusions, good or bad.

The will reflects the pleasure of God in allowing us to choose to act on his initiatives. It is here at this precise point that we respond to God’s leading when we didn’t have to. We can take initiative or choose to be passive. Right decisions can shape a learned soul and a chain of right choices builds for eternity.

The emotions may serve as a go between standing where spirit and soul meet. Feeling may serve as the first contact point in a vital decision, to give a green light or a red light. We have all heard it said and said the words ourselves, “I don’t know about this situation but I just have the weird feeling that something isn’t right.” It has been said about women (I really don’t know who said it and do you think I would put it into print if I was quoting myself!) “Women’s intution (a gift to a woman’s soul) is fickle, nonsensical, ridiculous and virtually foolproof!”

When these three faculties are working properly, even in a God-vacant person, the results are impressive. In a God-contained person in touch with the Spirit the results are beyond astonishing.

A powerful thought (in my own humble and generally accurate opinion):
I am a soul and in that soul there is a thinking mind,
a deciding will
and feeling emotions.

These are all gifts of God and only he knows how they should work. When his life is in the human soul large and in control. . .watch out, world, you are in for a sight to behold!



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